Sunday, July 19, 2009

Summer Time & Sweet Friends

Jody and Leslie relaxing while the dads entertain the kiddos.

Madelyn and Zach after running through the sprinkler.

Murphie, Madelyn, & Zach--look at how big they are!

Madelyn attacking me with a caserone
Thanks for being a gracious host Leslie
Jessie just hanging with the big kids.

Watch out Murphie has a loaded bubble gun and she knows how to use it!

Madelyn showing Zach how to use the caserone.
Thomas Jefferson said that friends are like fine wine, they only get better with time. How true this statement is when it comes to our dear friends the Mirikes and the Bells. Every one's schedules are so busy, especially when you add in the kids so when we had the opportunity to spend a fun evening and dinner with our friends we knew it would be fun for all. Leslie and Bryan were gracious host and even allowed to bring over the rest of the caserone eggs to entertain the kids. It left confetti every where but provided many laughs. The kids had a blast running through the sprinklers, sliding, swinging, and playing with sweet friends. These are the memories that summer time should be filled with.

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