Sunday, October 28, 2007

Carving Captured

Madelyn very proud of her pumpkin

Counting glowing triangles

"EWWHHH....Yucky Strings!"

Paris, Texas Pumkin Festival

Tonight, Madelyn with the help of Daddy got to carve her first pumpkin. I really thought she might be more into the carving and scoping out of the pumpkin. Rather I had to cox her to reach in and touch the seeds. Madelyn's first response was "EEEHHWW....yucky strings" and wanted nothing to do with touching any of the pumpkin innards. However, the final result has captured her attention. She was quite fascinated by the glowing triangles. She repeatedly would count all the triangles and then say "Yeah, Madelyn...Good Girl!"


karen bertie said...

I can't wait to see Madelyn in her Halloween costume this year. I have her practicing saying "trick or treat". She will get the hang of it really fast when she sees she will get candy each time.

Heidi McKee said...

What a cutie! and smartie!

Heidi McKee said...

Your emails full! I can't get through :) I'm gonna be in your neck of the woods Tues. 12, I'm having an open house! Come by! I WANT TO SEE YOU!!!!