Friday, January 18, 2008

Grand Saline

Licking the Rock Salt of the Chamber of Commerce

The rock salt was very sharp and not too good for sitting on!

Dennis, Judy, Michael and Madelyn

Michael's mom came for a visit and we inducted her to the Canton shopping experience. We all had a great time and had fun looking for the cute crafty buys. Madelyn had an exceptional time munching contently on her kettle corn. Since we had already drove the hour and 45 minutes it from McKinney to Canton, I really wanted to stop by Grand Saline, Texas on the way home. I first heard about Grand Saline on the show Unwrapped that airs on the food network. It sits a top of North America's largest salt deposit--5 miles deep! But why would I want to go to a salt mine? Because of the Chamber Commerce. It is made of Rock Salt! Its the 4th building they built, and must be annually resalted as it dissolves due to rain and East Texas humidity. The cool can actually lick the building!!! Call me crazy, but I did! Then gave Judy a big kiss....Michael wouldn't let me kiss him. It was very salty. But now I can proudly say that I have licked the Grand Saline Chamber of Commerce, some thing new to add to my life's list of accomplishments!

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